Eeveri net Wiki

The 8 basic eeveelutions.

Eeveelution is a word that means "Eevee's evolution". The picture on the right shows all the basic Eeveelutions. This page can lead you to any one of the 9 Eevee Pokemon! (including Eevee.)

Eevee and evolutions[]

EeveeJolteon, Vaporeon, Flareon, Espeon, UmbreonGlaceonLeafeon, and Sylveon.

The Advanced Eeveelutions are:

WaspeonSteeleon, Wraitheon, Soileon, Concreon, Toxieon, Cloudeon, Boxieon, Drakeon, Lumeon, Gameon,Skyceon, Bouldereon, Mega Evelution

How to Evolve:[]

It tells you how to get each Eeveelution on this page read more on
